Our Chapter meets the first Thursday of every month at 6:45pm
Celebration Community Church
908 Pennsylvania Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76104
Join us for a Food & Fun Confab Social Meeting
the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm
at Shaw’s Patio Bar & Grill located at
1051 W Magnolia Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76104
In partnership with St Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Our Transgender Support Group meets the last Sunday of every month on Zoom
Contact us for the zoom information
Email: info@pflagfortworth.org
Phone: 817.382.7353
Facebook: facebook.com/pflagfortworth
Twitter: @pflagftworth
If you need immediate support, please go to https://www.pflagfortworth.org/resources/community/hotlines/ for assistance.
PFLAG Fort Worth is one of PFLAG National’s 400+ chapter network that provides confidential peer support, education and advocacy in communities across the United States. Family resources can also be found at the Family Acceptance Project.

Billy Porter LOVES PFLAG Fort Worth! You can, too. Become a member today!

Big Brothers and Big Sisters Lonestar is looking for LGBTQ Mentors and LGBTQ kids. Interested? Click on the link below.

The Family Acceptance Project® is a multifaceted initiative aimed at preventing health risks and enhancing the well-being of LGBTQ youth within their families and communities.